Physically, resides on a Synology Disk Station Manager packaged Linux solution. Visit Synology for more technical details.
Virtually, is the personal vanity and business website of MrRabbit of San Jose, California. The handle MrRabbit has been on the Internet since 1989 via the VMS system at SJSU. It also showed up on DWANGO-SJ and H2H-SJ - yes some of the best gamers in the world during the Doom2 and Quake days came from those two locations. The domain is registered with Network Solutions. On occasion, you may come across other MrRabbit's on the Internet - they are copycats...I am the original.
MrRabbit is Robert Shackelford of San Jose, CA. He is an IT Engineer, a former Middle School teacher of 6 years - three as a substitute - three on a contract with a Professional Clear Single Subject Credential from the State of California. He is also a bicycle wheelsmith having made well in excess of a five thousand bicycle wheels of all sizes and shapes and classes since 1984.